Completely Erasable Tempered Safety Glass Communication Boards

No Ghosting

Completely Erasable

Changable Graphics

Exchange printed backers

Lasts Forever

Won’t warp or wear

Custom Sizes

Fit your spaces perfectly

Group 3

Specializing In Hospital Information Boards

Whether you’re using them in patient rooms, hallways, nursing stations, or conference rooms, tempered safety glass dry-erase boards are a prime choice for anyone seeking a high-quality writing surface that will endure.

More Than Just Hospitals

Anywhere high-quality informational signage is needed

Nursing Homes
Hotels & Resorts
Expo Centers
Bars & Restaurants
Casinos & Arenas
Group 3 Copy

The Clear Choice

If you’re looking for a reliable, durable communication board, CMG tempered safety glass is the clear choice. Unlike traditional whiteboards, our safety glass boards won’t warp or ghost over time and are made of low-iron glass. Plus, it’s easy to clean — simply wipe it down with a cloth or dry eraser and your board will look as good as new. Again, NO GHOSTING! (Cleaning crews may use any glass cleaner or ammonia and water.). In addition to being durable and resistant to wear and tear, our tempered safety glass is compliant with ANSI Z 97.1 safety standards.